Give to HIS Camp

HIS Work done through You

This year thousands of youth will be inspired at SAMBICA. YOU make this happen.

GOD’s ministry at SAMBICA is thriving. Be a part of the work done at HIS camp. Each time you make a gift, volunteer your time and talent, or pray for the work HE does at camp, you have an eternal impact on the Kingdom. Give today to have a major role in inspiring youth to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Giving Impacts

Did you know that camp fees don't cover the cost of SAMBICA? We keep our camp fees down to allow every child the chance to come to camp (including at-risk youth and those in the foster care system). Join others who give to bridge this gap to ensure that every child has the life-changing experience of meeting Jesus.

Where can I give?

YOU choose what to support at SAMBICA. Check out where others like you are giving today.

A gift to the Where Most Needed Fund supports the overall work at SAMBICA. Your gift will be applied “where most needed” to support whatever mission is at the forefront.

Give the gift of camp to a child. Make sure every child gets to experience summer camp and hear the Gospel, no matter their financial situation.

The Activities Building will set the stage for caring young adult mentors to invest in youth, show them they matter, and introduce them to Jesus. By replacing the old Tabernacle, The Activities Building allows SAMBICA to continue the legacy of sharing the Gospel with youth. Learn more.

Support the most fun place on camp! The SAMBICA waterfront is full of happy kids riding boats, overcoming fears, and enjoying tube rides. Make a gift today that will bring joy, laughter, and FUN.

Thanks to GOD, SAMBICA has been a light on the lake for 100 Years. Make a gift to the endowment to grow HIS Ministry in the next 100 years.

Updated Give Webpage Photo

Company Matches

Multiply the impact of your gift to SAMBICA through your workplace! Ask your company of they offer this generous giving program today.

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Non-Cash Gifts

Do you have items in good condition that would benefit His Ministry at SAMBICA? Are you interested in giving via stocks, real estate, or business assets? We would love to talk with you! Please fill out our contact form to get started.

Planned Giving and More

Set up GOD's camp to thrive by joining those who have already included SAMBICA in their estate planning. 

To view all options for planned giving (wills and living trusts, memorial/tribute gifts, chartiable gift annuities, IRA charitable distributions, beneficiary designations, endowment gifts, appreciated securities, sale of real estate, or sale of a business), CLICK HERE.

Please prayerfully consider if GOD is leading your family in any of these directions. Reach out to Matt Wimmer to start the conversation.

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Give the gift of your time and talent by serving alongside us at HIS Camp. There's an opportunity for every talent and passion! More information.

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Company Matches

Multiply the impact of your gift to SAMBICA through your workplace! Ask your company of they offer this generous giving program today.

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Non-Cash Gifts

Do you have items in good condition that would benefit His Ministry at SAMBICA? Are you interested in giving via stocks, real estate, or business assets? We would love to talk with you! Please fill out our contact form to get started.

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Planned Giving and More

Set up GOD's camp to thrive by joining those who have already included SAMBICA in their estate planning. 

To view all options for planned giving (wills and living trusts, memorial/tribute gifts, chartiable gift annuities, IRA charitable distributions, beneficiary designations, endowment gifts, appreciated securities, sale of real estate, or sale of a business), CLICK HERE.

Please prayerfully consider if GOD is leading your family in any of these directions. Reach out to Matt Wimmer to start the conversation.

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Give the gift of your time and talent by serving alongside us at HIS Camp. There's an opportunity for every talent and passion! More information.

Giving Levels

Be a part of something BIG

SAMBICA Members are those who support HIS Camp by giving $300+ annually. Because SAMBICA is an association, Members have voting rights toward proposals presented by the SAMBICA Board of Directors. Take the step to engage in His Ministry and watch as youth are impacted by your giving. Join us for the Friends of SAMBICA luncheon in the fall and the Annual Members Meeting to get exclusive updates and more. 
SAMBICA Lifeguards are all-in supporters who have major impact by giving $1,200+ annually to HIS camp. They have voting rights toward proposals presented by the SAMBICA Board of Directors. Join us for the Friends of SAMBICA luncheon in the fall and the Annual Members Meeting to get exclusive updates and more. All Lifeguards are presented with an exclusive SAMBICA gift and are invited to experience life as a camper on an exclusive tour/experience during the summer!

SAMBICA Lamplighters are all-in supporters who have MAJOR impact by giving $7,500+ annually to HIS camp. They have voting rights toward proposals presented by the SAMBICA Board of Directors, are invited to the Friends of SAMBICA luncheon in the fall and the Annual Members Meeting to get exclusive updates and more. All Lamplighters are presented with two exclusive SAMBICA gifts and are invited to experience life as a camper during the summer on a special tour/experience led by SAMBICA's Executive Director.

Giving Levels - girls
SAMBICA's Tax ID (EIN) # is 91-0761611